Vi är kvar, vi ger inte upp
We are still here, we do not give up
The work is a result from a residency at Arbetarrörelsens Arkiv och Bibliotek (Labor Movement Archive and Library) in Flemingsberg outside Stockholm. It was later shown in the exhibition Konst åt alla (Art for All), which opened on December 7, 2022. The image comes from the seamstresses' occupation of the Eiser factory in Sollefteå in 1981. The work is a digitally printed photograph on viscose fabric where we have then brushed the fabric with wood glue and water to try to capture a movement, or perhaps to pause a movement. We found the image in the archive of Beklädnasarbetarförbundet (the Garment Workers' Union) at the Labor Movement Archive and Library in Flemingsberg. 

  • Collaboration
  • Photos
  • Frida Hållander
  • Frida Hållander
Sebastian Dahlqvist, 
Konstfrämjandet Stockholm 
& Arbetarrörelsens Arkiv och Bibliotek