Var dag lever
Everyday is alive
Var dag lever (Every day is alive) is a curtain and a dialogue with the artist Anna Sjödahl's (1934-2001) art  installation Var dags liv: mitt alternativ (Everyd day’s life: my alternative) from 1973. The curtain is made from used domestic textiles and silk applications. The motifs are taken from Sjödahl’s installation and paintings. The piece was commissioned by Konstfrämjandet (the People’s Movement for Art Promotion) where the assignment was to actualize one or several artists from their rich archive. The curtain is permanently installed at Konstfrämjandet’s office in Stockholm. 2021 the curtain was loaned to Norrköpings Konstmuseum and was displayed during the big retrospective with Anna Sjödahl’s work: All denna jävla lycka! (All this fucking happiness!). 

  • Photos
  • Johan Österholm & Helena Scragg
Sebastian Dahlqvist
Norrköpings Konstmuseum:
Helena Scragg