• Fabriksflickor –
  • De viljefulla textilarbetarna
  • Factory girls –
  • The wilful textile workers

Ceramics, video, textile and archive material

  • Exhibition at
  • Collaboration
  • Photos
Support from
    Frida Hållander
  • Johan Österholm

The artistic project Factory Girls - The wilful textile workers, wants to highlight and discuss the conditions, knowledge and resistance of women in the textile and home industry; their willingness and self-will, which is expressed in organization, professional pride and strategies.The exhibition at Mint, an exhibition space situated in the Workers’ Educational Association in central Stockholm, Dybwad Norman and Hållander shows art works in various materials that stem from the play Fabriksflickorna – makten och härligheten (The Factory Girls – The Power and Glory) by the directors Suzanne Osten and Margareta Garpe (1980). The play and its comprehensive archive and documentation material address a complex historical process of the Swedish textile and clothing industry in the 1960s and 1980s, during which several industries underwent a restructuring process. The project examines how the textile industry has left traces in bodies and how the experiences of these bodies have erected the industry. Through crafts methods, Frida and Åsa listen to testimonies and knowledge from the Swedish textile industry; a restructured industry that today faces global, social and ecological challenges.

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Documentation overview:

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